Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Independent Component 1 Approval

1. Describe what you plan to do of you 30 hours:

  • First I plan to create a survey and distribute it at my senior center and others locally.
    • The survey would collect information on seniors' generation, demographics, and what they like and would like to see at there centers
    • The questions in the survey would be based from my previous research and reading on my topic
  • Second, I will collect the data and create a plan for a new event, activity, or class that most seniors would like to see at their center, based off of the surveys.
  • Third, I will speak with the manager at my center to pitch my addition to the senior center, based from my surveys.
  • Fourth, I would be involved/ run with the organization and preparation of the event, class, or activity.
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence:

  • I plan to:
    • Provide an example of an anonymous completed survey
    • Provide my collected data (charts/notes) and other tools I will use to introduce my idea to the manager of the senior center
    • Take pictures of the event, activity, or class
3. Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth:

  • My essential question is: What is the most effective way to attract seniors to a senior center?
  • My independent will help me start getting input from seniors on what they would like to see at their senior center. Also, it would tell me what works and what doesn't.
  • This project would also help me test different ideas and apply them to my center to see their populartiy. 
    • These ideas would be the class, event, or activity.
4. Senior Project Hours

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